Deagan's arrival in our family sure has been a blessing, even if it was an unplanned surprise and we now have our hands full of 3 boys 3 years and under. Our family wouldn't look, feel, or act the same without him.

Deagan Jeffrey Moss was blessed on Sunday, December 27th at our Provo ward building. He was blessed in the same outfit his 2 bigger brothers were blessed in and he seemed pretty happy about the whole ordeal!

Can't believe he's grown so much in such a short time. He's such a happy little guy.

We were happy to have so many friends and family there that day to support us. Many of them joined us for yummy turkey sandwiches, pie, and wassail afterward. Thanks for coming!

And Deagan, you're the best surprise we've ever had!

That's a great family photo. What a darling group. Your boys are so cute.
I can't believe how much he's grown in such a short time...pretty soon he'll be out there throwing balls with his dad and his two big brothers. Love the new photos posted on the side posts!
I love Corbin's face in your header. You guys look great:) We need to get together next time we are down. I'm so glad to hear Jeff has work. Keep in touch!
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