Seeing how this was our first winter back in Utah with children we decided to take advantage of the fun white stuff. Again. During our 2-month unemployment episode we took the kids sledding.... lots. The boys know the drill of getting dressed and loaded up for playing in the snow.

We even took our cousins with us when they dropped in...

hats are a necessity...

Krew and Quinton on their first sled ride of the season.

During one great snow storm we met up with some great friends of ours, the States whom we also played with in the sand and sun of Kauai about 2 years ago. Kind of ironic.

Jeff got some good "how to make a snowball" lessons in.

I practiced using the MACRO function of camera to capture a few snowflakes on my sweater. No 2 snowflakes are the same, you know!

Corbin deep in thought. Or maybe just wiped out from playing so hard.

Of course, Q had to break for a snack in the back of the car. It's hard work to play in the snow!
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