From Grandma & Grandpa Larson!
The day after Christmas my parents arrived from sunny Arizona. It was such a treat to have them come stay with us... they've spoiled us lately with several visits and we love it! During their stay we played... A LOT!
Grandpa knows how to get down on the boys' level and really play with them and they love it! Especially showing off all their new Christmas novelties.

Grandma got in some good time with Deagan. He really knows how to coo and smile now and he told her a bunch of stories.

We relaxed and visited as much as possible.

While the boys ran (and rode) circles around us all. They play together so well now!

Grandparents are always good for telling stories and reading books before nap time.

We also ventured out in to the cold one night to see the SLC temple lights. Can you believe this was my parents' first time EVER seeing SLC's lights. They have enjoyed the warmth of the Mesa Temple Light display for years and never bothered to come up and see Salt Lake's.

It was sure beautiful....and COLD!

On Sunday the 27th we blessed Deagan (another post to follow on that). Corbin and Quinton loved having Grandpa around on our long Sunday morning before 1 o'clock church to line them up and TICKLE them to death. Not sure who loved it more.... Grandpa or the boys?

It sure brought memories back of my childhood.... getting tickled to death! Matter of fact... my kids might have those same memories of their Grandpa Larson! There was lots of tickling...

I even got in a sewing lesson with my mom on the sewing machine I inherited from my grandma (her mom) who passed away a year ago.

Jeff still can't believe that my parents really do eat pecan pie and wassail for breakfast during the Holidays! What can I say? I'm their daughter-- I don't think it's weird! :)

Although it was a quick trip, we had a lot of fun and made some great memories.

We even continued a Larson grandchild tradition. My parents allow their grandchildren to spend the night at their house on their birthdays and the next morning they got out to IHOP for smiley-face pancakes and then birthday shopping. Since my boys live so far away (and were too young) they've never gotten in on the tradition. So, grandma and grandpa cashed in. Before they left we made a trip to IHOP and enjoyed smiley-face pancakes (and omelets).

Now their picture can be added to grandma and grandpa's collection.

I have a feeling Quinton really likes this tradition and he'll want his mom and dad to carry it out on his real birthday in June! :)

Thanks for coming Mom & Dad! We always look forward to and enjoy your company! You spoiled us this time! :]
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