Thursday, June 5, 2008

and now... Week 39...

I know this is a day later than normal but for some reason my weekly appointment was on Thursday this week instead of Wednesday and now I am officially 3 DAYS before my due date! Erg... in my head I had planned this baby to come 2 weeks ago so I FEEL past due, but I know these babies have minds of their own and they come when they're good and ready. This week we've tried almost all the natural labor induction methods we could think of (except Castor oil-- no thanks, not that desperate YET) and it helped me to almost completely efface and move to a 3+ dilation. That is progress, but where in the world are my contractions? Well, I've had some weak Braxton Hicks off and on all week, and then last night I thought active labor had started after contracting 15 minutes apart for 1.5 hours and then 2-4 minutes apart for an hour. They weren't real painful yet so I told myself to rest while I could and if this was going to be it, I would feel it and then make my way to the hospital once I was really uncomfortable. Well, then I fell asleep around 11pm and woke up fully rested this morning. Ugh! So, I had my membranes stripped AGAIN today and then my mom had me walk at the mall for a few hours and the weak contractions are beginning again. We'll see. If I don't have this baby this weekend I will be induced next weekend over Father's Day... but somehow I don't think Jeff will mind an early Father's Day gift! :)


Anonymous said...

I have to say - you look fantastic for being 39 weeks along. (We had fun with you guys on Tuesday!) We can't wait to meet "Q" and we'll be waiting for that phone call! :) Good luck

Alicia said...

ugh! lol. Holly I'm sorry. You are SO READY! Good luck! Hopefully he will come TONIGHT! Thanks for the update though... I really do check your blog religiously now... just WAITING! I'm soooo excited for you!!!!!!

Tiffanie said...

I've been meaning to call or text to see what's going on. I'm sorry you're still prego. I know how you feel. Maybe these babes are going to come at the same time.

Bryce, Anna, Porter, Avery and Colette said...

Holly- sorry to hear you are still waiting... I vividly remember those days... I was 2 days late, but I didn't have the 'progress' you did... moving didn't even make him come, I remember walking to the mailbox every day and walking on the treadmill, unpacking, cleaning the old house cleaning the new house etc, all to try and get him to come but to no avail. It took the threat of induction to get Porter to move it along. Anyway I hope it happens soon because its just time... I've been telling Bryce to text you as your hometeacher to find out how you are doing, but then he went to scout camp. PLEASE let us know if you need anything at all, I know you have family, but we are just down the street!