Friday, June 6, 2008

In the meantime...

To help pass the "baby waiting" time, this is ONE book I have been reading:For all you moms out there, it is VERY intriguing and enlightening and empowering. The authors are husband and wife and founded an Institute for brain-injured children over 25 years ago and their research has lead them to believe that the things they teach brain-injured individuals can actually help "average" children. I began reading this book on the recommendation of my older sister, Katie who used the "Teach your baby to read" and "Teach your baby math" methods with her children. It is pretty impressive. After this baby arrives I plan to use the techniques from this book to teach Corbin while also attempting to potty-train... all the while finishing up my last 4 classes of my Master's program. Needless to say, I'll be busy....

ANOTHER book I am also almost finished with is C.S. Lewis' The Magician's Nephew in the Chronicles of Narnia Series. This book, although not written first, is meant to precede all the other books because it explains A LOT, like how Narnia came to be and where the light post came from. There are so many intriguing gospel parallels in this book, as with all C.S. Lewis' works. It's a quick read.


Alicia said...

Oh yay! I love book recommendations! I've been wanting to read all of the Chronicles of Narnia. That one sounds really good! I will look into the Intelligence book also... who doesn't want an intelligent kid!?! (By the way, still got our fingers crossed for baby Moss to come, like, NOW!)

Unknown said...

Awesome. I'm always looking for a good book to read.

Angie said...

Oh Man Holly, I hope you have that baby soon!

Natalie Sue said...

Oh Holly! I hope that he comes soon! These little guys are just too comfortable, aren't they. And then all of a sudden the contractions will hit! I hope it is soon for you.. I hope it's happening right now! That would be great! I can't wait. I'll keep checking for updates!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited - the next post will be baby pictures! Ryan was wondering who was texting me at 2:00am - and I yelled that Holly was having her baby!! :) Love you guys

Kristal said...

No more waiting for you guys!!COngratulations on your little new bundle! We look forward to seeing you soon :)