When we found out Spanish Fork has a new park... and a new splash pad we knew we had to dash down there before our last warm days were gone! The last Monday in September we took the boys to check it out and it was pretty fun!

Although the air was still warm, the water was cold (like always in Utah) so the boys were playing dodge the water instead of deliberately running through it.

There are splash parks like this all over in AZ but my boys hardly remember them. Looks like Q's white belly needed a few more hours in the sun this summer! ;)

Water boxing???

Deagan was fully content to sit on the grass with Grandma TeeTee and Grandpa Dick and observe.

I helped him get his toes wet, but he didn't really like the idea.

As the sun started setting Corbin preferred to dry off on the nice, warm cement before bundling up in his towel. I totally remember doing this poolside as a child.

We can't wait to return to the splash park next summer for some more fun!
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