We frequent this building weekly....and have done so for over a year. The Provo Library. [Which was the original BYU Academy... where my grandpa attended college!] My boys LOVE this place.

They love the parking garage where their voice echoes when they yell "ECHO!" They love the outdoor "Canopy Capers" story time there in summer where they sit on a blanket under the tent, eating their lunch and watching a puppet show and listening to several stories. They love the weekly story time with all it's themes, songs, puppet shows, letter cut-outs, and coloring pages. They love to run around the children's library and jump into the "pit" and climb on the "couches" and type on the kids computers. The love to sit (and sometimes climb on) their "friend" statue at the entrance of the Children's library.

They love to help me check out the books and use the library card. They LOVE Mr. Dallin, one of the story-tellers..... and they really LOVE the books and movies we check out there every week!

Hence, I LOVE this place as well. I love how just the smell of a library takes me back to my childhood... and to good literature. I love that the Provo library has so many activities for my children and has helped me instill in them the love of good stories, learning, BOOKS, and libraries! What memories do you have of your childhood library?
I need to go to the library more often...more than once a year!! I remember my mom taking us to the Provo Library when it was down on Center Street and 1st East. I don't remember having as much fun as Corbin and Q do, but I liked picking out my own books and checking them out.
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