Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our "ordinary" life

Well, the last few weeks have been a blur. Feels like we haven't done much, yet we've been really busy and all of a sudden Deagan is almost 6 weeks old! He is really starting to fill out. He got a little cold this week and at the Dr. he weighed in at 10.5 lbs already! He's just like his brothers in that department... a chunk! He's starting to sleep longer at night and is awake longer in the day. He is very strong and holds his head up very well, does tummy-time happily, and even tries sitting up on his own sometimes. He also has started smiling AT US rather than gassy smiles and he coos and talks too. So adorable. I love this stage!
Corbin is still enthralled with Deagan and is such a good helper. He sings to him, holds him, and is quick to help bath and change him. Such a good big brother.

This little boy loves his hands above his head. He has to sleep with socks on his hands at night so that they stay warm!We have kept busy with preschool, library story time, play-group, play-school, and play-dates! We're lucky to have so many friends nearby.
It's been fun (for the boys AND mom) to have daddy home. There's been lots of wrestling, fort-building, car racing, "sword" fighting, and "shoot-outs" in the last 3 weeks.
Deagan is either really lucky or has no chance with these two as big brothers.
Quinton keeps us all entertained with his crazy dance moves.

We're very excited that Q gets to attend nursery next month... already 18 months old!
Quinton has also started to express an interest in potty-training thanks to the example of his big brother. It would be awesome if he picks up this habit quickly so we can avoid having 2 boys in diapers for too long!
AND...Winter is here, as manifest by our first snow 3 weeks ago. I'm really not a fan of the snow and cold, but I will admit that it's very pretty to watch snow falling when I'm curled up on the couch with a warm blanket and my newborn, drinking hot chocolate and listening to Christmas music. However I did miss the 80* temperatures of Arizona on Thanksgiving day.
These are the ages and stages that make up our ordinary life. Blissful isn't it? Jeff is still job-searching and has several possibilities and "balls in the air" but nothing has turned official yet. I have really enjoyed having him home and count this whole ordeal as a blessing in disguise. He is really great at being Mr. Mom and the boys have loved having daddy around all day everyday. I think he's spoiled us all and when he does go back to work... it'll be yet another transition for us all.


Anonymous said...

I love how fun your "ordinary" life is :) And I seriously can't get over the fact that Q is already potty training. Good job Momma!