Thursday, May 28, 2009


Corbin and Quinton have both been to the doctor twice in the past 2 weeks. The first round of illness rendered Corbin with an ear eye infection and Quinton with a double-ear infection. Immediately after they finished their antibiotics (10-days later) Quinton had 24-hours of a fever.... and then Corbin came down with a croupy (sounded like a barking seal) cough. Lo and behold round two at the doctor turned up a throat infection and croup for Corbin and another double-ear infection for Quinton... along with the goopy eyes, cough, and green-booger nose, and the diarrhea that accompanies antibiotic consumption. (Hence the reason I'm not a big fan of antibiotics... I'd rather prevent with probiotics... but that's a soap box of mine I won't get into now.)
To top it all off... Jeff is on round two as well with a nasty cough, feverish chills, and all around lethargic achiness. What is this? We were never THIS sick THIS often when we lived in AZ. Guess it's all a part of the transition process. If this is how our Utah spring is, I'm a little scared for what winter will hold, when there is a new baby in our house. It's a darn good thing I've been taking my vitamins, but I'm stumped as to why and how I have held up to take care of everyone being nearly 5 months pregnant, hormonal, emotional, and sleep-deprived. Don't think I've slept THROUGH the night since sometime in April. Go figure. Someone is looking out for me, but really... I'M SICK OF ALL THIS SICKNESS! Hopefully, now that summer is a few weeks away, we'll hold up a little better.


Jeff said...

I don't know why but this picture is so freaking AWESOME!!!

Alicia said...

Thank goodness for Vitamins! Somehow the household sicknesses skipped me this last round! Glad they are on the mend!

Elise said...

Wow, Holly, you've really been through the ringer with sickness in your house. I hope this is the last time for a very, very long time. You're so good to keep trucking on! Double ear infections? Yikes!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you haven't gotten sick as well. There's nothing worse than being sick yourself and having to take care of sick children on top of it all. We've been here almost a year and we still aren't acclimated - Hayden seems to have a constant cold. Hope everyone gets well soon!