Wednesday, May 27, 2009

In Memorial

Memorial Day was beautiful here in Utah. The sun was shining and warm and we got to spend time with family members... both alive and deceased. We began our day at Provo City Cemetery to see the resting places of Jeff's grandpa Heal (who passed when Jeff was 3), then Uncle Jeff (who passed the year we were married)... among others.
This was Corbin's first time participating in the "events" of Memorial Day and he loved it. He was good to arrange and water the flowers, clean off the headstones, and pose for all the cameras. Here he is with Grandma Tee-Tee and her dad's headstone.
Corbin learned that his great-grandpa Heal was an avid fisherman... so the prior events of the weekend were very appropriate to remember him.
After a scrumptious brunch back at grandma's house we headed for Orem City Cemetery with Jeff's dad and grandma and some aunts and uncles to visit the resting place of Grandpa Moss (who passed 2 years ago, but Corbin did get to meet him). Corbin once again helped arrange the flowers and became very fascinated with all the pinwheels and variety of decorations that appear in a cemetery on Memorial Day.
Grandpa Moss had quite the crowd to entertain (L to R: Grandma Moss, Jeff's grandma; Grandpa Royd, Jeff's dad; Janet and Vaniece, Jeff's aunts.) It was a good visit.
Grandpa Moss was a war Veteran and we found his name on the Veteran Wall at the cemetery...
... and his own flag with his name on it, a tribute for his service to his country.

Our final stop was at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery to visit the resting place of Buddy Bath, Jeff's first step-dad. Bud just passed away last year from cancer. It was good to visit all those who've passed on and who have had a significant impact on our lives. At one point, among all the driving around, Corbin asked Jeff, "Why do we go to all these cemeteries daddy?" Jeff's response, "I know a lot of dead people." It's true, but I'm so glad Jeff's passing on his family tradition, the meaningful way to celebrate Memorial Day.
But, after a round of naps and resting, we did enjoy a hot dog/mallow roast up Hobble Creek Canyon at Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Ed's. A great way to round off our day and our weekend. Complete with 4-wheeler rides, turkey sightings, hummingbird watching, and playing with cousins.
You bet Quinton got in on the action too. He loves doing things like the big boys do.
Hope your Memorial Day was relaxing, fun-filled, and as memorable as ours!


Anonymous said...

No wonder we are all tired! We all did alot on Memorial Day Weekend. Hope the kids continue to look forward to this special day.