Tuesday, January 27, 2009

LOST... and found

... no, I'm not a LOST (TV drama) fan (no time for drama, other than my own), but I have been lost in life in the past few weeks and thus the poor updates to this blog. As you know Jeff and I both celebrated another year of life passing us by-- Jeff's birthday marking the significant 30- year mark (which I'll blog about next). But, you may not know that this little boy has cut 2 teeth:

(And that suit? My mom made that for my little brother who is now 21! Gotta love retro hand-me-downs, especially when the elastic in the waistband is crunchy and ineffective.)

.... and this little boy is officially potty-trained!
(Hallelujah!... except, when is it really "official" because he still wears pull-ups to bed, just in case?! And, yes those are Cheerios in the toilet, they help him aim. I know I'm awful for posting naked pics of my son urinating.... he's 2!)
Among the sleepless teething and Gastrointestinal pain for Quinton (which we're still trying to get to the bottom of) the potty-training, the family in town, the birthday celebrations, tutoring, and regular household chores... I've been trying to loose myself in this great book!
It's called Are We Having Fun Yet? The 16 Secrets of Happy Parenting by Kay Willis and MaryAnn Brinley. I'm only 1/3 of the way into it and I realize I'm no longer lost, but found! It has already made my days easier and helped me feel happier, allowing me to enjoy my kids more. The author was the mother of 10 children and is now a professional speaker/counselor. She founded an organization called Mothers Matter and coming from someone who "has been there," you can tell she really knows her stuff!
Here are a few things I've learned/re-learned how to do so far:
1) ENJOY PARENTING, don't endure it (i.e.- be fun, slow down, do less). I'm a role model for happiness to my children.
2) REFUEL, RESTORE, RENEW (i.e.- put myself back on the list, take time for me)
3) Borrow from BIG BUSINESS (i.e.- take breaks, vacations, sick days, learn from other moms, review the past, make changes).
5) ATTITUDE is everything. Be PROUD of my job!
I loved this Quote:
"Think about it: Parenting is the only profession in which the raw material you are working with eventually becomes a human being. We are people-makers. Make parenting a labor of love. The paycheck is phenomenal."

So after a few busy weeks of being lost in my profession-- MOTHERHOOD -- I've now found that I've always been just exactly where I wanted to be, I just needed to change my outlook. Anyway, I recommend this book to parents of all ages... young couples, empty-nesters, and in-betweeners alike can learn or re-learn somethings that will allow you to have fun again in the most important job you'll ever have! I plan to buy the book and re-read it often.


Unknown said...

I'm glad you found a book that inspires you! Sounds like a good read!

Kristin, Scott, Emily and Eric said...

You probably don't know who I am, but my name is Kristin and I am married to Steven (Scott) Mabb that I believe you went to school with in AZ..or your husband did?? Regardless, I wanted to thank you for this post. I have been feeling the exact same way and thought there was something wrong with me for not being a happy, super organized, fun-loving mommy all of the time. It does get a little overwhelming (sometimes a LOT overwhelming) even thought I only have an 18 mo. old. It is nice to know there are other mommies out there that share my sentiments. I will definitely be looking into getting a copy of this book. Thank you for sharing. :)
Kristin Mabb

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to go pick that up. I too often find myself going through the motions and just trying to "get through" the day instead of enjoying my family and my time with them. I'm glad to see I'm not alone!

P.S. Yay Corbin! I'm sure it's a relief having potty training well on it's way!

Anonymous said...

You just needed a jump start! Happy Motherhood......

Natalie Sue said...

That is so neat. Thanks for posting the thoughts. I will have to go and get this book! Sounds really inspiring, motivating, and attitude changing!

Unknown said...

Now that is what I call a birthday!! Fun stuff, and wow you are getting old ;) J/K