Monday, November 10, 2008

Blog Award!

Wow! I was nominated for a "Blog Award" by my good friend Alica States whom I respect and admire for many reasons.

Here's the way the "Blog Awards" work:
1. Whomever I nominate gets to put this same picture on their blog.
2. Link back to me on your post (it's all about getting visits to your own blog and to others).
3. Nominate 5 other blogs.
4. Link up to them.
5. Leave a message (comment) on those blogs to let them know they were nominated.

The Thomas'- One of my best friends since Junior High who just moved out of state this last summer. I love her blog because it is so representative of her... creative, passionate, subtle, and stylish... and because I love keeping up with her (and getting glimpses of Ryan's, her husband's, humor along the way.)

The Ligairis- Jeff's good high school friends from Utah. I love reading Rachel's thoughts, opinions, and insights about her new motherhood adventure, teaching at BYU, Josh's film career, and their political persuasions of which I do not always agree but completely respect! It certainly helps that she is an eloquent writer and a thorough researcher.

The Permanns- Natlalie was one of my first college roommates whose life has seemed to parallel mine ever since in several ways. I love how her blog is her literal journal and since she has 2 little boys close in age to mine I find that we're often on the same roller coaster... I love to relate to her feelings-- good and bad.

The Bryants- Tiffany is another of my first college roommates who has 2 girls the same ages (almost to the day) as my 2 boys. Jeff and I love "peaking" into their lives because they are literally world travelers and always have a travel-log of sorts among their descriptions of normal, mundane life (like mine). She also shares a few yummy recipes now and then.

The Heals- My older sister and Jeff's cousin (weird, I know). They just moved away to Seattle earlier this year and Kimball and Corbin were buddies (and cousins) so we love to "peak" in on them to get the update. She is also so creative and they have gotten around Seattle over the summer to share another travel log of sorts about their new hometown. Makes me miss them, but helps me feel connected.


Natalie Sue said...

Oh, Holly, THANKS so much! This is so nice of you! I will pass it along soon! I just wanted to say thanks. You made my day!