Little Deagan Jeffrey is 1!
We can hardly believe just 1 year ago we met this sweet boy...

and brought him home... join our family...

....and now he is the birthday boy, sitting, standing, taking steps, talking, eating real food, and such a little monkey! Birthday boys get fun things like hats...

....birthday cards in the mail... (kisses!)

...and money!? Lucky 1 year old!

We call Deagan our little monkey for several reasons:
1) when he started to crawl he only scooted around on his bum... like a monkey does, but don't worry he DOES know how to crawl on hands and knees and trades back and forth constantly.
2) he LOVES bananas. really. loves. them. If he sees one he'll beg (and scream) until he gets a bite. 3) he climbs on everything! He climbs our kitchen table chairs like they're ladders. His favorite chair is the rocking chair and small kids chairs. He climbs on top of them and stands on them and then makes monkey sounds and faces.... it's darling really. So, since he hasn't been commercialized by Disney yet we decided to run with the monkey theme for DJ's 1st birthday.

Here's his birthday shrine. The sign, annual silhouette profile, his hat, onsie, monkey, and birthday cakes! He's one happy kid. (I'm bummed this is the best picture we got of the cakes....)

Birthday boy with daddy.

So excited about his new Buzz Lightyear car.... which Quinton (who will be Buzz for Halloween) thought was for him. DJ knows how to keep up with his big brothers though... and he fought for his turn.

Singing happy birthday.

He wanted to touch that candle.... or maybe it was the cake.

Mmmm.... his first grab at the cake was one of the eyeballs which was a York Peppermint Patty. Nice.

Not sure which was more fun.... feeding himself a squishy, sugary mess or eating cake for the first time?

So good!

Look at those baby blues....

After about 5 minutes of delighted indulgence we took the cake away for fear he'd be sick. He then discovered his hands and bib had cake on them too and tried licking them clean!

And then the sugar-induced coma set in.

So, Jeff bathed him... another favorite activity for the birthday boy. (see a few posts below)

While the birthday boy was out Corbin became the camera-man and documented the guests. There was grandma tee-tee and baby Mac.


Haley (& Cole) and baby Mac. Can you tell Corbin prompted them to snuggle the baby?

And Grandpa Dick, Colton, and Tykert were there as well. After they left Deagan enjoyed playing with his new toys...

...but he couldn't keep his eyes open long. It was one good celebration and I still can't believe he's a toddler now.
Looks like it was a great Day!
Wish we had been there..
I can't believe he is 1! I can't believe that we haven't seen eachother's babies. I love the pics. Hopefully we can get together sometime next year:)
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