About 2 months ago Jeff's extended family here in Utah put together a dinner schedule for Jeff's grandparents. They are getting into their upper 80's and Grandpa has had a double knee replacement. They do not drive anymore and therefore do not get around as easy. The dinner rotation is such that each family brings in dinner or takes Grandmother and Grandpa out for dinner once each month. Needless to say, it has been a good thing for us, them, and our children. We all get to share in great food and conversation from some very wise and special people. We joined in on a dinner at Chuck-A-Rama with the Christensen's and GG.... and they got a very special escort to their car afterward...

One evening we took in dinner, ate with Grandpa and GG and then stayed for a fun visit. I love how Deagan is checking to see who's holding him here.

Our boys have learned that time with Grandpa and GG is special...and they really enjoy visiting their home and playing with their blocks, hearing songs and stories from GG, and getting treats, toys, and tickles from Grandpa.

This post couldn't be more timely because just last week Grandmother tripped on a rug in her basement and took a hard fall, fracturing her pelvis. She is now in a Rehabilitation Center for daily Physical Therapy. We hope she'll only be there for about a month, but we know regardless their life has changed.

Isn't it funny to see the hand of the Lord in our lives? We got to spend a lot of time with Grandpa and GG recently and just 3 days before her fall she had these photos taken with her twin daughters (my MIL).

She is lucky she didn't break her hip and that her prognosis is good. We are so grateful for such GREAT GRANDPARENTS in our lives!
Wish we were there to share in the dinner rotation!
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