Our little Quinton turned 2 on June 9, 2010. He is such a joy to have in our family. I just love this age. To celebrate, Quinton woke up to find a brand new bike and helmet! Exactly what he wanted!

After everyone was awake he opened all his presents from his brothers and mom and dad.... all by himself mind you, because when you're two you can do LOTS of things by yourself. In Q's words, "No.... I do it!"

Quinton was very kind to hug everyone and say thanks for all the gifts. Such a sweet boy.

I like to sit with the boys on their birthdays and show them pictures of them as a baby and how they've grown over the years. They love it as much as I do.

After all was said and done we decided to really party, 7 peaks style. Just the 4 of us (daddy was at work) walked the 2 blocks up the hill and spent a few hours in the pools at the water park.

Even Deagan enjoyed the sun and water.

Corbin has come a long way from last year... he had no inhibitions about getting in the water alone without floaties.... as long as he could stand. Thank you to swimming lessons.

The following Saturday we had a family BBQ complete with a Lightning McQueen cake, of course. If you know Quinton you know he's in love with "Queen". Here is the cake...

Here we are decorating it while Quinton took his nap.

McQueen in process....

McQueen all done.

The birthday boy approved.

He thanked me profusely. It was adorable.

Blowing out his candle. We had to do it a few times to get the picture....he didn't mind a bit!

He absolutely LOVED this special present from Great Grandpa Bywater's collection, a car of course!

More hugs for the great-grandparents.

Corbin was so good to help his brother open all his gifts... he kept telling us that his birthday should be first because he's OLDER! Such a rough concept to grasp. For all they know Corbin and Quinton share a birthday!

After saying goodbye to our guests Jeff and I came back inside to find our big boys already cleaning up for us....

There was plenty of cake that just couldn't go to waste!

That night, we found these 2 Supermen sleeping together again in Corbin's bed. I love that they are best buddies.... 2 years and counting.

I really can't believe Quinton is 2. It seems like he's grown up so fast and now he's suddenly the middle child. He is sure a rough and tumble boy with a huge heart and a giant soft spot. He loves to run, jump, kick, climb, slide, swing, and box and yet he's our biggest cuddler and really enjoys just sitting and looking at books. He entertains himself so well and loves to eat! Quinton loves to do anything his big brother does, but can also sit and play with (or hold) Deagan. He's such a happy boy and our family sure wouldn't be the same without him.
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