Each year Jeff's family has a fun winter tradition: The SNOW PARTY!

Most of Jeff's siblings and cousins head up Hobble Creek Canyon to his aunt's house where there's this great snow packed sledding hill....

...and the kids and adults alike have a blast sledding, tubing, snowboarding, and sitting around the warm fire.

My boys were at the perfect age this year to enjoy the fun.

The 4-wheeler loads up as many people and tubes, sleds, snowboards as possible and heads up the hill...

Dylan getting a good ride down the hill...

The twins warming up by the fire...

The parade of tubes hanging on for life to get hauled up the hill.

There's me trying to get as many pictures as possible of all the action....while holding the baby. If I didn't multi-task I'd miss it all! Most of these pictures were taken by
Heather Telford Photography. This was her 2nd time at our Snow Party and she got some great shots! Thanks Heather!

The day of the party was January 3, 2010 which also happened to be Jeff and I's 6th wedding anniversary! We took our turn to play on the hill as well. Corny, I know but this picture pretty much sums up the last 6 years.... the ride of our lives!

I know I'm partial but my kids look pretty cute in their snow gear.

Cute Q, such a poser.

Corbin hitching a ride on the front of the 4-wheeler...

The adults huddled around the fire, drinking hot wassail and hot coco to stay warm.

Brandon & Nichole, Jeff's oldest sister.

Grandpa Dick basking in the sun at the snow party.

The twins. Aunt Stephanie and Christie (my MIL). You'd never guess they were turning 60 this year, would you?

The hostesses with the mostest(ess)... Steph and Ed. So glad they allow us to invade their log home every year for the fun.

The toy rope with all the cousins.

Awe.... somebody took a spill! Look at those tears. He was fine 5 minutes later when we put him back on the 4-wheeler.

The Christensen's (minus Ty and Tanzynn). Cute little family.

After about 50 rides down the hill some of the kids had had enough so we went inside for some lunch: Dick's family recipe chili and all the fixings. MMmmmm...that warms you up quick. Deagan loved all the attention during lunch.

This little boy has eyes like his brothers.... I love it! He's getting so BIG!

Of course no party is complete without some Guitar Hero, right?

It was a great day in the snow. Thanks to Ed, Stephanie, Christie, and Dick for all the fun...until next year!
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