We enjoyed a nice dinner at Jeff's moms' house this year for Christmas Eve with lots of family. After the meal the grandkids got to open their present from grandma tee-tee.
Quinton was well mannered enough to read the card first...

...and really enjoyed his new tool set.

Corbin and most of his cousins got a marshmallow shooter gun!

Shortly after a "nice" marshmallow fight followed. Sticky mallows flew all over the place, but boys will be boys.

Quinton found someones ammo bag and got busy eating it!

Krew, of course, enjoyed chocolate cookies.

The rest of us enjoyed visiting with family...

...or taking a nap before the big night.

When we got home from grandmas a plate of cookies was in order. Homemade Oreos and egg nog for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph.

The stockings were hung....

...and we read a goodnight story before bed. It sure was a full, fun night!
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